Martin Mackay

30 Day Author Book

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Here is what you get: 

A digital copy of The "30 Day Author" Book where you'll learn: 

Here are a few things you’ll learn in the 112 pages of the 30 Day Author book: 

✅ How to turn readers into buyers with emotion instead of logic

(Get the story arc blueprint on page 82)

✅ How to make a book better by using time constraints

(Get the secret to writing a book while doing house maintenance on page 2)

✅ How to turn challenges into assets by writing about them.

(Understand the role of the reluctant hero on page 3)

✅ How to know if you’re a born writer or just unlucky  

(Understand the role of the reluctant hero on page 4)
✅ How I transformed from backpacker to business owner by tapping into my “why”.

(Understand motivation associated with a “why” on page 7)

✅ How I got paid by getting slapped in the face by a wild monkey

(Learn how to create a captivating “monkey-story” on page page 52)

✅ How to pre-sell a 100 copies of a book before writing a single word.

(The power of pre-selling explained on page 20)

✅ How to know if a book is a “winning product” in 3 days or less

(Explained on page 19)

✅ How to launch a book funnel without any prep-work.

(Use my blueprint on page 9)

✅ How to know what your future readers want to you to write about.

(The pre-sale survey script that elicits your customers deepest desires and objections on page 75)

✅ The 4 different types of editing that you’ve likely never heard about and how to chose the right one for you.

(Get the 4 types of editing on page 94)

✅ How to dictate your book and be done with the content without writing a single word.

(Get the dictate method on page 22)

✅ How to find the best transcriber app and which apps you should never use.

(The transcribe for success system on page 93)

✅ How I got all my content together and recorded my first book in 2 days (totalling 4 hours).

(The 4 hour book method on page 27)

✅ How to convert readers to buyers by using the same story frame as top Hollywood screenwriters

(Understand the elements of a great story on page 55)

✅ How to self-publish so your customers can hold a physical book in their hands

(Follow the self-publish guide on page 104)

✅ How to create a mock-up book cover that sells like hot-cakes.

(Understand the science behind a simple working title on page 98)

✅ How to overcome imposter syndrome while becoming an author.

(Do the "imposter-begone" exercise on page 77)

✅ How to use a book funnel to upsell courses before the book is even finished.

(Get the book funnel upsell system on page 34)

✅ Find out how I plan the outline of a book in 5 mins instead of 5 days.

(Get the one day outline system on page 27)

✅ How to get over a 100 readers and reviews before friends and family even know you’re writing

(Get the Stealth launch recipe on page 88)

✅ How to ask get your readers to tell you exactly what to write about.
(Broken down on page 75)

✅ How to dictate your book using an app instead of writing

(Outlined on page 24)

✅ How to keep your readers attention by making your backstory relatable

(Understand the premise for any story on page on page 46)

But you'll also receive:

Bonus Nr 1: A closed Facebook Group for those implementing this book.

Here you can meet like minded entrepreneurs who are on the same path as you share Ideas, challenges and get support.

Bonus Nr 2: Bonuses: What-To-Write Template.

This will help you uncover your book buyers desires and objections which will tell you exactly what to write about.

Bonus Nr 3: My Printable 30 Day Author Checklist.

This is your blueprint for finishing your book fast and efficiently. Get one step closer to becoming an author every time you cross off a task on the list.  

Bonus Nr 4: Professionally Recorded Audio Book

Listen to my seductive Scottish accent while drive, doing the dishes or falling asleep. Learn the secrets contained in "30 Day Author" without having to open the book at all.

You get all this for just one payment of $4.99 USD

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If you're unhappy for any reason just send us an email and we will promptly and politely refund your purchase. No questions asked. 

Michelle G.

"This was a really great session ! Something unique is that you looked at our messaging and what we want to do and you also spiced it up a bit! Like: "how to uncover your hidden high paying superpower". I’ve talked to so many sales people, but one of the best experiences has been talking to you. This course has really helped me refine my message and find my dream audience".

Patricia W.

"It's a kickstart! I didn't feel confident and now I am ready to just step out there. I didn't feel confident to do it and you've really motivated me to do that. I encourage anybody to give it a try". 

Shannon P.

“You give so much great information, its such a generous outpouring of energy. I am inspired in a completely different way than I expected. With your skills in reading people, which is funnily something I am good at doing for other people, you've opened up this whole other hallway for me, that makes infinitely more sense to me because its a much quicker way for me to generate income…”
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